Category: Blog

  • Dragon Mist Distillery will move to 36904 McKamey Rd, Dewdney, BC, on August 1st, 2023. Plan to set up in January 2024.

    It’s hard to believe that 11 years have passed since founding Dragon Mist Distillery in 2012!

    Now we are about to embark on the next exciting leg of our journey. On August 1, 2023 we will be relocating to 36904 McKamey Road in the Fraser Valley, and expect to be up and running in the new year of 2024. The property known as McKamey Manor is an 8 acre blueberry farm where we will build a new, larger, better equipped distillery. The blueberries from our farm will be incorporated into our blueberry liqueur as well as other new product offerings. 

    None of this would have been possible without the continued support you have given us over the years. We’re excited about the new opportunities this move will provide. And during the move we will continue to provide all your favorite spirits and liqueurs. 

    You can contact us about direct sales by phone at (604) 803-2226 or by email at

    I look forward to seeing you at our new location!
    Sincerely, Sherry Jiang, founder

    各位朋友大家好,我是龍雾酒厂的Sherry, 感谢各位朋友多年来对龍雾酒厂的支持与厚爱。龍雾酒厂自2012年创始至今,已有11个年头,龍雾酒厂的存续与发展离不开各位的肯定与信任。为了更好的回馈各位朋友,并更好的发展我们的产品,在这里敬告各位:我们的酒厂将于2023年8月1日进行搬迁,预计24年新年之后将正式坐落美卡米亚庄园(36904, McKamey Rd, Fraser Valley, BC). 这段期间我们的龍雾全系列酒产品将仍继续面向各位朋友提供,如果您有需要请随时联系我们:
    phone:604 803 2226

  • In Search of Elegance reviews our Baijiu and Gin

    In Search of Elegance logo

    Jason Hambrey at In Search of Elegance reviews our Dragon Mist Baijiu this month. We may have a new ambassador for the only Canadian distillery making the world’s most consumed spirit.

    Jason says, “The spirit tastes good when served neat, straight up, or over ice – but it makes some nice cocktails too. My preference is to go with a dry martini-style here, and garnish with a pickled onion (or olive works well too).” and gives it a “Highly Recommended” rating.

    Read more here:

    And about our Gin he says, “This has a really nice big, earthy character. I have trouble resisting it – though it may be outside the comfort zones of some gin drinkers. The earthy character I described is dusty, spicy (baking spices), and it has a clay soil type of richness. This is lifted with light citrus, and woody/bright juniper. “

    Read more here:


  • 2019 was Best World Baijiu Day yet

    2019 was Best World Baijiu Day yet

    Jim Boyce, the founder and organizer of World Baijiu Day, organized the best event yet, with 33 cities around the world participating.

    This year we partnered with Bao Bei in Vancouver’s Chinatown, where bar manager, Jay Brown served his original bailie cocktail, the Golden Boar. It’s a regular on their menu, so if you’re in Vancouver, drop by and try it out. Bao Bei is also one of the best bars in the city, so you don’t want to miss it.

    Check out the list of participants and get inspired by some of their original cocktail recipes, recipes and more:


  • Celebrate World Baijiu Day in Vancouver!

    Celebrate World Baijiu Day in Vancouver!

    Bao Bei is a great restaurant at 163 Keefer Street in Vancouver’s Chinatown. Their bar manager, Jason Browne, has perfected the Golden Boar — a cocktail of their own creation using our Dragon Mist Baijiu.

    Golden Boar Recipe: Dragon Mist Baijiu, fino sherry, lemon, lavender honey, liquorice root tincture, egg whites

    Baijiu is the most consumed spirit on the planet. If you’ve never heard of it, you’re not alone. We are the only distillery in Canada, and only one of three outside China that make this torquey, high-test alcohol.

    You can get in the spirit and celebrate World Baijiu Day on August 9, 2019 by heading down to Bao Bei and sampling their Golden Boar cocktail. Or for the brave of heart try our Baijiu the traditional way — as a shot. Ganbei! (bottoms up!).

    For more info, contact Bao Bei: T: 604.688.0876   |

    Can’t make it to Bao Bei? Order on-line


  • Dragon Mist gets a shoutout on

    Dragon Mist gets a shoutout on

    Did you know Baijiu is the world’s biggest-selling spirit? Jim Boyce gives Dragon Mist a shoutout in his article “Baijiu Ready to Meet the World” for

    Jim writes, “How big is baijiu? Some 10 billion liters of this grain-based spirit, most of it more than 50 percent alcohol, are made each year. That’s a dozen 750 ml bottles for each of China‘s billion-plus adults, enough to fill 4000 Olympic-sized pools, so much that you might say the nation is swimming in the stuff.”

    Read the full article. Then try it out! Order your bottle of  Dragon Mist Baijiu online.

  • Eric Hanson Reviews Our Baijiu

    Eric Hanson Reviews Our Baijiu

    Eric Hanson, wine educator, and contributor to Richmond News gives a great snapshot of the origins, nuances, and uses of Baijiu — the world’s most consumed spirit.

    Eric tells us, “I was very fond of your Baijiu and found it very similar to Aquavit from Scandinavia. My paternal grandparents came from Sweden so I am very familiar with Aquavit so I had a natural inclination to like Baijiu.  Instead of caraway seeds, I noticed a fennel or licorice flavour, along with the wheat grains.  It was delicate, elegant, and very enjoyable! ”

    Read his full article. Then give it a try — you can order online through November 6 and get free shipping anywhere in Canada.


  • Come see us at Abbotsford Christmas Show!

    Dragon Mist Distillery is exhibiting at the West Coast Christmas Show Come see us at the 2018 Abbotsford Christmas Show November 26-18, 2018 at TRADEX!

    We’ll be serving samples and have lots of inventory on-hand. Get something special for that special someone to put under the tree.

  • World Baijiu Day

    World Baijiu Day

    Keefer Bar serves contemporary apothecary cocktails in Vancouver’s Chinatown (Canada’s largest Chinatown). In celebration of World Baijiu Day, Keefer Bar will be serving Dragon Mist Baijiu shots and feature a Dragon Mist Baijiu cocktail on Thursday, August 9.
    Keefer Bar won the BC Golden Plates award for the best bar/lounge & best restaurant for cocktails in 2015 & 2016.
    The Keefer Bar is open 5:00 PM to 1:00 AM with happy hour from 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM. Come in and help us celebrate!
    135 Keefer Street 
    Vancouver Chinatown
    (604) 688-1961
  • St. George’s Dragon!

    St. George’s Dragon!

    Steve McVittie, president of the Royal Society of St. George, British Columbia Branch (SGSBC) is rallying supporters to have April 23 declared St. George Day. Newfoundland and Labrador currently celebrate the Monday closest to April 23 as a provincial holiday.

    Steve would like to see the same happen here in BC.

    While St. George is widely know as the dragon slayer, no one here at Dragon Mist Distillery will hold that against him.

    In fact, to show our support of his initiative, Edith and Gary from Dragon Mist Distillery will be attending the “British Invasion” St. George Day Celebration, April 21, 2018 at the Roundhouse Community Centre, 100 Davie Street, Vancouver, BC.

    Sherry will also attend New Westminster Farmers Market 11am to 3pm, and Don will be at the Haney farmers Market, Saturday, April 21 (Earth Day) 9am to 2pm.

  • Our new still is here!

    Our new still is here!

    Exciting news! Our new still arrived from the factory. Renovations to accommodate this new beauty are nearly completed. It should be fully functional in February.

    The kettle is 1,000 liters – double our current capacity, and this still can achieve a much higher alcohol content in the first pass. The higher the alcohol content, the lower the residual flavors from the mash. This results in a much more neutral flavor in the distilled spirits.

    We then add distilled water to lower the alcohol content to the desired level. Flavors such as the botanicals for our gin are then re-introduced.

    The end result will be a very clean, neutral flavored spirit.

    And we’ll be able to greatly increase our capacity. So, drink up — there’s more to come!