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It’s hard to believe that 11 years have passed since founding Dragon Mist Distillery in 2012!
Now we are about to embark on the next exciting leg of our journey. On August 1, 2023 we will be relocating to 36904 McKamey Road in the Fraser Valley, and expect to be up and running in the new year of 2024. The property known as McKamey Manor is an 8 acre blueberry farm where we will build a new, larger, better equipped distillery. The blueberries from our farm will be incorporated into our blueberry liqueur as well as other new product offerings.
None of this would have been possible without the continued support you have given us over the years. We’re excited about the new opportunities this move will provide. And during the move we will continue to provide all your favorite spirits and liqueurs.
You can contact us about direct sales by phone at (604) 803-2226 or by email at
I look forward to seeing you at our new location!
Sincerely, Sherry Jiang, founder
各位朋友大家好,我是龍雾酒厂的Sherry, 感谢各位朋友多年来对龍雾酒厂的支持与厚爱。龍雾酒厂自2012年创始至今,已有11个年头,龍雾酒厂的存续与发展离不开各位的肯定与信任。为了更好的回馈各位朋友,并更好的发展我们的产品,在这里敬告各位:我们的酒厂将于2023年8月1日进行搬迁,预计24年新年之后将正式坐落美卡米亚庄园(36904, McKamey Rd, Fraser Valley, BC). 这段期间我们的龍雾全系列酒产品将仍继续面向各位朋友提供,如果您有需要请随时联系我们:
phone:604 803 2226